21 Juni 2010


The Ailanthus (Ailanthus, syn. Hebonga) are a genus in the family of Bittereschengewächse (Simaroubaceae). The genus Ailanthus is represented by three to ten species in South and East Asia and northern Australia.

The best known, even in central Europe frequently planted species is the tree of heaven (Ailanthus altissima). There are fossils from the Tertiary of the northern hemisphere (as a minimum age for the genre of the Early Eocene is indicated).


Ailanthus (Ailanthus) are large and small deciduous trees. They are very demanding, and growing fast. The alternate leaves are relatively long, pinnate with 13-41 leaflets. The more or less antithetic pinnules sometimes can have at their base a few large teeth. Stipules absent.

They are dioecious, unisexual (dioecious). Are formed axillary, panicled inflorescences. There are as many as sepals, petals present. The unisexual flowers are bisexual or sometimes somewhat further, and usually five, rarely sixfold. Male flowers contain ten, hermaphrodite, only five to six fertile stamens, but then the remaining number as staminodes.

There are two to five free oberständige, flat leaves fruit available, each with five chambers, each containing only one ovule. The two to five pen can be free or fused. The fruits are winged (Samara).


The tree of heaven (Ailanthus altissima) is one of the so-called garden refugees. It spreads rapidly and uncontrollably and displacing native plants.

Because of its robustness of the tree of heaven is found in some cities in green strip between traffic areas, however, many parts of the tree gods toxic.

In particular, the removal and pruning precautions must be taken because each contact may cause allergic reactions. As firewood, the wood of the gods, the tree is not likely because it shatters the burn with a loud bang.

Source: http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/G%C3%B6tterb%C3%A4ume

See Also: International Flower Delivery, Florist

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