25 Juni 2010

The poke

The poke is a plant of the family Phytolaccaceae North America where it grows naturally on land abandoned, roadsides and especially in damp places. There are also some varieties in China Southern Europe, Africa and the Azores.

It grows up to 3 meters tall with large perennial root, and numerous fleshy roots. The annual stem, hollow, branched. The leaves are alternate, oval-lanceolate and large (10 cm long and 5 cm wide), and veins, entire. The flowers are very numerous, are white or pink and are grouped in clusters opposite the leaves. They have no petals but five sepals pale green. The fruit is a berry, like blackberries, red color changed to black when ripe, contains within it the seeds.

Source: http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phytolacca_decandra
See Also: sending flowers, online florist

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