The dock Krause is a pioneer plant, rooted to 3 m deep. It is andromonözisch. The (larger) hermaphrodite flowers are foremen. The separate position of the two gender self-pollination within the flower is impossible. Because of the smooth seeds sure there is no spread of Velcro, but water is likely to spread. Mostly Wind dispersal takes place. The seeds can remain for many years to germinate.
The plant is particularly through the levels of oxalates weak Toxic (also dry). Main ingredients: potassium, free oxalic acid, tannins, anthraquinones. Mechanism of action: local irritation; absorbed oxalic acid binds calcium blood (leading to hypocalcaemia), calcium oxalate crystals cause damage to the renal excretion. Symptoms of poisoning include: vomiting, diarrhea, colic, heart rhythm disturbances, hypotension, tremors, paralysis, hematuria / anuria Others
Fatal poisoning in children and animals are known in Massenauftreten in meadows can also lead to poisoning of cattle, horses and sheep are susceptible, cattle more tolerant (in the rumen increased amount oxalatabbauender microorganisms).
See Also: sending flowers, online florist
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