21 Juni 2010

Meier (genus)

Meier, also masters (Asperula) are a genus of the family Rubiaceae (Rubiaceae). The genus includes about 95 species, 70 of which occur in Europe. The vorlinnéische genus name is derived from the Latin asper = rough, Asperula = from weakly rough and refers to the rough underside randlich and leaves from field-Meier (Asperula arvensis). The German generic name is derived from Old High German Meier meior, Middle High German meier.


Representatives of this genus are annual or perennial herbaceous plants or dwarf shrubs. At more or less quadrangular stem, the leaves are in four-to eight-petalled whorls or stand on opposite sides.

It is also interpreted as follows: The leaves are opposite sides of the square stems and see how the stipules of the leaves, they form this whorl.

The flowers form or kopfige panicled inflorescences. Bracts are always bracteoles often present. The cup is indistinct or absent. The four blue, red or white petals are fused with a funnel or langglockig clear tube and four distinct Kronzipfeln.

It's just a circle with four stamens present. The ovary is inferior. The style is divided into two parts, each with a kopfigen scar . The fruits are dry, without hooked hairs.

Source: http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Meier_%28Gattung%29

See Also: International Flower Delivery, Florist

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