The rod (Melampyrum pratense) is a species of broomrape family (Orobanchaceae). Until 2001, the pole assigned to the Figwort family (Scrophulariaceae).
It is half parasite itself fotosynthetiseert, but water and nutrients through its roots bleeding from the roots of other plants. This strategy allows the rod in a few weeks fully grow in dry environments and also include sufficient water. There are several known host plants such as oak, birch, bilberry and red bilberry. The rod blooms from May to September and dies back in late summer. From July, the spread of the seed rather likely with ants. Pole is found in open woods, forest edges, hedgerows and roadsides with trees. Dense growth of trees takes pole in numbers. English oak forests in heavily grazed lower pole pieces found. The rod is mainly in the east of the Netherlands and the number seems in recent years has been found.
See also: Sending Flowers, Online Florist, Florist
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