01 Juli 2010

The Gabon Tulip Genus

Spathodea is a monotypic genus of flowering plants belonging to the family Bignoniaceae. The only species is Spathodea campanulata, known as the African tulip tree in the spring, called-the-woods, called Nandi, or meaito (Puerto Rico) and Santo Domingo mahogany and cock in Venezuela ). In French as Tulipier du Gabon (Gabon tulip). In Mexico it is also known as Galeana.


It grows to 7-25 m in height and is native to the African intertropical zone. Is planted extensively as an ornamental tree in many countries and is highly prized for their flowers very pretty reddish orange (rarely yellow), campanulate.

The flowering season varies sometimes in the same tree, depending on the sunlight. As a tree equatorial areas where there are two days of sunshine per year overhead (only one in the tropics), part of the flowering season solar rays to the north and south of the tree and flowering will coincide with this feature. Softwood, used for bird nests.

The flower bud is blistered and contains water. The sap sometimes stains yellow fingers and clothing. The open flowers are cupped and store rainwater and dew, being attractive to many species of birds.


The generic name comes from Greek, σφατηε, referring to the cup like a sword.

Source: http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spathodea

See Also: International Flower Delivery, Florist

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